Grey’s Anatomy Season 5 epi 1

After a long summer and waiting with bated breath as to what will become of MerDer, the day has finally come. The 2 hour season premiere that teased us in between shows. The teasers that made us groan and anticipate and dread the show. But it was finally here and I watched. Once again with the same warning to my family and friends not to call nor disturb me from 9-11 pm.

I fluffed the pillows, huddled on the floor with my throw as I waited for the show to start. I wasn’t expecting much. Just happy that my favorite show is finally back.

The episode’s title was Dream a Little Dream of Me. It was supposedly about dreams. About what’s real and what’s not. About fairy tales and happily ever after. About mistakes and forgiveness. About the after effects and what lies beyond.

One reason why I love this show is that it somehow speaks to me. Not just the living vicariously through the characters part but the dialogues, the music, the emotions, the angst, what everyone is going through. Almost everything speaks to me. And though I am aware of the fact that we sometimes see what we want to see and hear what we want to hear, the fact that more often than not, I see and hear what I need to at the moment just blows me away. And that is why even though there are lots of new shows, I stuck it with Grey’s.

I might be reading more into this than I have to. Heck, people might even think I should get a life. But it helps me. A lot. It makes me laugh, cry, scream, angry more than any other show I have ever watched in my entire life. And so I continue to watch. 


SPOILER ALERT. please do not read beyond this point if you haven’t watched the season premiere



There were a lot of mixed reviews – about how disappointed they are with the scene where Rose told Derek she’s pregnant and then telling him it was a joke. How Rose’s exit was abrupt. How the icicle somehow managed to not melt in Christina’s chest (I thought it was her stomach). A lot of great expectations I guess, this being the season’s premiere. But I thought it was okay. I wasn’t expecting much, like I said. I was just glad for the show to be back. For something to look forward to on Thursday nights. Tuesday nights is Fringe with Joshua Jackson, but that’s another story. And Pushing Daisies on Wednesdays, yet another story. But you get my drift. 

I can’t wait to see what happens next on Grey’s. Here’s one thing I cannot understand though: what’s with the whole Denny thing? Izzie showing her gown and all that while she was looking at Alex being all evil and mean again. And then flashing through a whole scene of her and Denny and ending with them walking into the light. What the heck did it mean? 

No matter, I can’t wait for next week. BTW, here’s one of the best songs played during the epi. 

And this song has yet to be released but I absolutely LOVE the song and will buy the first copy. What a pleasant surprise to find this version by a Filipina-American, no less. 

Published in: on October 3, 2008 at 11:59 am  Comments (2)  
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My Favorite Grey’s Anatomy MV

This is my favorite GA music video so far. The scenes are from Season 4. A very timely post since GA starts in 5 days. FIVE DAYS!!! I am so excited! Pushing Daisies starts on Oct. 1st and I can’t wait. Gotta love Fall for the returning shows!

I love this song- Broken by Lighthouse. For some reason, when I was feeling all down in the dumps, I listened to and watched this song on Youtube. You can say it helped me cope. I especially love this version:

Published in: on September 20, 2008 at 11:51 pm  Comments (3)  
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